Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stormbandit's Kublai Khan Bull Terriers Of The Netherlands

You like... I do is a short video display of "Man's Best Friend" featuring some of Mirella Manca's Stormbandit Bull Terriers in the Netherlands.

That is wher I met Stormbandit's Kublai Khan whom call Willem in the Summer of 2002.

The bull terrier is perhaps one of the most mis-understood of all the breeds of dogs. They are strong willed, yet gentle, They are like having a 2 year old in a clown suit, but bull terriers are not for everyone.

Physically they are an oddity with their egg shaped heads and almond eyes, but their hearts are as large as they are, maybe even more.

I hope that you enjoy the video and if you ever have a chance to know one they will be forever in your heart.


Friday, August 27, 2010

Megalith Park!

Columcille Megalith Park

Columcille Megalith Park is a playground of myth and mystery located in the Appalachian Mountains nea  Stroudsberg, Pennsylvania. The park rooted in Celtic spirituality and inspired by the Isle of Iona off the coast of Scotland provides a beautiful and serene setting for those who wish to step back in time and enjoy this pristine megalithic site. Columcille is an outdoor sanctuary open to the public as a sacred space for quiet meditation. Admission is free, but there is a drop box for donations.

I hope that you enjoy the beauty and tranquility of the megalith structures, maybe enough to go there yourselves.

Thanks for watching

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"Detection Dog Training""Bomb Detection Dog Training""Bomb Dog"

Detection Dog Seminar


When:  July 23, 24, 25TH     2010

Where:   Niagara Peninsula in Ontario – Near Niagara Falls

Time:  9:00 a.m. until whenever.

Fee: $300.00 3 Full Days K9 Team or $150.00 Single Day K9 Team

$200.00 3 Full Days without K9 or $75.00 Single Day without K9


Scent Detection
Narcotics and Explosives

Tactical Obedience

Hard and Soft Surface Tracking

MDD Demonstrations and Discussion

IED Deomonstration and Discussion



M A S T E R – I N S T R U C T O R S

Sid Murray: Owner of A.T.S. K9 over 25 yr. as owner, trainer, and handler of Detection dogs. Worked in US and South America on seminars and searches and in Europe with MDD and EDD dogs.

Jeff Hopkins: At the time of the Seminar Sergeant Hopkins will be a retired thirty two year veteran of the Police Service. He was a member of the K9 unit since 1989, till the time of his retirement.

His responsibilities included the training and maintenance of the K9 Unit, and the bi-annual certification of our teams. He has had the opportunity to train throughout North America and has assisted a private company with the training of mine detection dogs in Bosnia, Herzegovina.

Bernie Gauthier: Recently retired after 35 year career in law enforcement. Started with 10 years as a Police officer, performing regular Police duties in the Simcoe area. Then joined the Canadian Federal Government as Customs Officer with Border Services for the next 25 years.

The last 21 years of service with Customs, were as a Detector Dog Handler and Trainer, specializing in Drug and firearm detection. I handled and trained both Active and Passive Dogs. Throughout my career I was involved in several commercial quantity seizures.

Ken Licklider: United States Air Force Senior Master Sergeant Ret., Owner of Vohne Liche Kennels (pronounced Von Lick) a full service K-9 training facility which has trained Police and Military Service Dogs for over 5000 law enforcement and government agencies to include the National Security Agency (NSA), Pentagon Police, U.S. State Department, U.S. Army and 500 plus civilian and police agencies.

Aristid Galanos: Head trainer and handler , Canine Countermine, Bosnina, Herzegovina.


More information contact – Sid Murray 905 988 8800 or 866 516 7196


- T O P I C S -


M I L I T A R Y – P O L I C E – S E C U R I T Y

L I M I T E D   R E G I S T R A T I O N

Friday, October 16, 2009

The Newest Test

This is the NEWEST Test of all

The Newest Test

This is the NEWEST Test of all

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Newer Test

This is a newer test